Welcome to Creating Amazing University!

Hi, I'm Carol

Mystic. Metaphysical Teacher. Author.

I cannot teach anyone anything. I can only make them think.

- Socrates

Carol guides forward thinkers to their Christed self, Christ Consciousness, the divine power within. Her eclectic approach and characteristic “outside the box” thinking inspires you to think in new and empowering ways, peel back layers of presuppositions, and rote ideas, release limiting beliefs allowing divine health, wealth, relationships & true-self expression, your creative magnificence, the unique blend of you to emerge. From love for sacred texts & ancient wisdom, Carol brings an inclusive theological perspective to her work.​

Carol is the creator of Creating Amazing, an exclusively online community for spiritual thinkers  embracing life’s journey as co-creators of their own reality.

Carol's the host of Mystic Cafes, Tuesday Talk w/Carol, and The Synergy Circle.​

Former pastor in three traditional and culturally diverse denominations, Carol has a broad and inclusive theological perspective. She combines a 12-year tenure in corporate America, extensive training in adult learning, with 30+ years in ordained church leadership, spirituality, biblical studies, and seminary education.